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The nutritional benefits of apple juice (as well as applesauce and many other apple products) are often underestimated because these foods are "quietly virtuous." When closely evaluating the nutritional composition of apple juice and other apple products, it becomes apparent that the lack of fat, cholesterol and sodium are just a few of the many reasons these products are an important part of a healthful dietary regimen.

The virtues of apple cider vinegar seem to extend itself beyond normal peripheries. Every constituent seems to play an important role. The malic acid and acetic acid present help to combat fungal and bacterial infections and relieves painful joints. The malic acid dissolves the deposits of uric acid, which form around the joints, and slowly pushes the acid deposits out of the body. It seems to even have some effect on viruses. The amino acids present in apple cider vinegar act as an antibiotic and an antiseptic. It has been known to drastically reduce the toxicity in the body. This is because the acetic acid is able to form acetate compounds, which are not so toxic. This property makes it very useful while treating insect bites and skin allergies.

Apple extracts from selected apple varieties were added to human liver cancer HepG2 cells to determine if the extracts could inhibit tumor cell proliferation. There was a large variation in the effects of the different apple varieties on the inhibition of cell proliferation, but all apple varieties inhibited liver cancer cell proliferation. Apples without skin were less potent in inhibiting HepG2 cell proliferation whereas apples with skins exerted greater inhibitions of cell proliferation.

The insoluble fiber is known as roughage or dietary fiber, as it cannot be digested by the enzymes in our bodies and helps us lose weight by giving the sensation of having a full stomach, of having eaten enough. Also found in the skin of the apple, the insoluble fiber is a great remedy against constipation because it helps digestion and prevents other related disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis disease that may lead to colon cancer, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, hiatus hernia, gallstones etc.

Apple is a rich source of flavonoid and polyphenols both are powerful antioxidant.

The skin of Apple contains pectin that can help remove toxic substances from the system by supplying galacturonic acid. Pectin helps prevent protein matter in the intestine from spoiling.

Raw apple cider vinegar is brimming with enzymes. Did you know that our bodies produce a finite amount of enzymes naturally, and that rest of these powerful little digestive aids must be obtained from the foods we eat? Cooked foods have no enzyme activity. Raw foods contain some enzymes. Raw, fermented foods, like apple cider vinegar are the most bountiful source of enzymes.

When diluted with water 50/50 it is often used as a toner for the face. Caution should be used when applying as cider vinegar is very dangerous to the eyes.

Apples commonly enjoyed by many cultures, but they are also a good source of antioxidants. When compared to many other commonly consumed fruits in the United States, apples had the second highest level of antioxidant activity Apples also ranked the second for total concentration of phenolic compounds, and perhaps more importantly, apples had the highest portion of free phenolics when compared to other fruits This means that these compounds are not bound to other compounds in the fruits, and the phenolics may be more available for eventual absorption into the bloodstream.

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