Shusha refugee camp is six kilometres from Ras Jedir on the Tunisian border. The rows of tents are evidence of the work to bring order and organisation to such a camp. Crucially there is now running water and sanitary facilities. Read our news file The Tunisian army has installed a hospital while every refugee is processed as a preventive measure to stop the outbreak of disease. “The procedure takes several steps. First we bring one group of refugees from Ras Jedir. They are transported here to the camp and are individually booked in. They all go through a medical and that is mandatory so as to to prevent a possible epidemic,” explained Colonel Mohamed Essoussi The Tunisian health minister believes one of the greatest needs for the refugees is not food or tents but transportation. “We do not need help for the people who have moved and are now living here. We need help to make the refugees leave. That means we need boats, planes, but most of all boats,” said the Minister of Public Health of Tunisia Habiba Ben Romdhane Discontent his high among refugees from Bangladesh, migrant workers who have fled Libya and want repatriated. Refugees arrive by the hour and the camp has now more than 12,000 living in it.
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