Madrid hosts contemporary art fair
NATO has failed to agree on a plan for its possible involvement in enforcing the UN no-fly zone over Libya. Alliance member Turkey, which is against the military intervention, blocked a proposal. The...
View ArticleSol y sombra
Ha bastado que tomara estado publico la intencion de los ediles socialistas Javier de Luis y Antonio Martin de abandonar el grupo municipal del PSOE para que lo que era el molesto runrun de dos...
View ArticleGaddafi calls for resistance to “colonial crusade”
It is estimated that some 30 000 foreigners have left Libya since the uprising started. Many of them have crossed over the frontier into Tunisia carrying what few belongings they could manage....
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Cualquier persona con un minimo sentido comun que no frecuente los juzgados puede sentir asombro si se asoma a la vista publica del ‘caso Malaya’. No solo por la soberbia, autosuficiencia y desprecio...
View ArticleLibya’s rebels call for no-fly zone
Carrefour has issued its fourth profit warning in as many months as cash-strapped shoppers spend less. Europe’s biggest retailer said it expects operating profit this year to fall by up to 20 percent;...
View ArticleWorried Japanese rush to stock up on water
The night sky over the Mediterranean coast of Libya lit up on Saturday night as operation Odyssey Dawn got into gear. 110 cruise missiles were fired as part of the military response from the USA,...
View ArticleProtesters in front of ECB in Frankfurt
Fighting in Libya is forcing more and more people to flee, with refugee agencies now talking about a humanitarian crisis. Read our news file It is estimated up to 75,000 people have fled for...
View ArticleItaly sells bonds, but investors remain wary
Human Rights Watch has called on those countries with influence in Libya to unify in a call for an end to the unlawful killing of protesters. The US based group, which is calculating the numbers of...
View ArticleDesigner Galliano’s ‘odious’ behaviour
Video sent on February 23 by Ali Sharaf 1890 20590 14385 2145 10645 10220 20 23735 12345 8095 11410 9115 21695 11240 13110 16765 4950 7415 5885 18465 11750 360 15405 10985 8860 21610 7925 4015 4865...
View Articlegaastra 2011
Cualquier persona con un minimo sentido comun que no frecuente los juzgados puede sentir asombro si se asoma a la vista publica del ‘caso Malaya’. No solo por la soberbia, autosuficiencia y desprecio...
View ArticleWild streets of Tripoli
Armando Guebuza has been the President of the Republic of Mozambique since he won the elections in 2004 with 68% of the vote. He spoke to Euronews about the challenges facing Africa: the Ivory Coast...
View ArticleOusted Tunisian president ‘stashed’ cash
A peace plan for Libya, proposed by Venezuela’s President Chavez and reportedly accepted by Muammar Gaddafi, is being considered by the Arab League. The idea, outlined by Chavez earlier this week,...
View ArticleIreland’s new leaders seek compromise on bailout
Reports from Libya suggest forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi are stepping up counter-attacks in the east to try to take back control of several towns. Witnesses say the rebel-held town of Ajdabiyah came...
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View ArticlePressure mounts on Gaddafi as unrest spirals
With more than one week having passed since Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami the country’s carmakers and technology firms have been struggling to resume production. In addition, a lack of...
View ArticleJordan
Anti-regime protesters marched through the Yemeni capital of Sanaa for an eighth straight day on Friday as demonstrations across the country turned violent, leaving at least six dead.? The...
View ArticleUnder-pressure Yemeni president offers 2011 poll
Oil prices continue to soar – going above $110 a barrel on Wednesday – as a quarter of Libya’s crude output has been shut down and energy companies warn of further production cuts. But Libya exports...
View ArticleMexico’s Calderon enters diplomatic spat with France
Women should occupy at least a quarter of jobs on the boards of the UK’s top companies within four years, suggests a report issued by the government. But Lord Davies of Abersoch, a former trade...
View ArticlePick of the Clicks: words and music feed the revolution
Dozens of Iranian opposition supporters were arrested in Tehran after protesting in support of the recent uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. Thousands of people marched to the city’s Azadi Square where...
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