Tech industry upbeat at CeBIT trade show
Carmakers have been rushing to detail their plans to build in Russia before a deadline for tax incentives ran out. Volkswagen is to make VW and Skoda cars in a joint venture with local firm GAZ, while...
View ArticleAcross Australia with a wind powered car
Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon has told France to respect his country’s legal system. Earlier this month, Mexican judges upheld the conviction of Florence Cassez, a French woman sentenced to 60...
View ArticleNATO tankers torched in Pakistan attack
Authorities in Norway on Friday struggled to contain an oil spill after an Icelandic cargo ship ran aground in the country’s only marine reserve. Officials say the ship is leaking from both sides and...
View Articlelandesdirektion dresden organigramm
A poco mas de tres meses para las elecciones, y mientras los dos partidos de la oposicion municipal ya han elaborado sus listas, en el terreno de los segregacionistas de San Pedro comienza a aclararse...
View ArticleMa chi e questa donna?
When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy. Typos are very important to all written form. It gives the reader something to look for so they aren't distracted by the total...
View ArticleIMF warns Asia over euro crisis
Russia marks the “Day of Motherland Defender,” a ceremony where Moscow commemorates its fallen heroes. Day of Motherland Defender, also known as “Army Day”, is a tribute to all the generations of...
View ArticleLampedusa: Italian island at the sharp end of immigration
Unconfirmed reports from Iran say senior opposition figures Mehdi Karoubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi have been moved to a secret location near Tehran. Supporters of the two leaders say they were recently...
View ArticleSe, lo giuro al cielo, o trovami tu Rosaura, o la tua vita la paghere.
If you want to be respected, you must respect yourself. Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. The best of us must sometimes eat our words. He who will not reason is a bigot; he who...
View ArticleProtest ends in Cairo square but strikes continue
Insurance companies have been quick to criticise a ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) that will mean they will no longer be able to offer different rates according to clients’ gender. At...
View ArticleObama hails return of Honduras to democratic fold
By John O'Callaghan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama hailed President Porfirio Lobo of Honduras for his "strong commitment to democracy" on Wednesday, sealing the Central American nation's...
View ArticleSnow-mantic comedy on the slopes
The Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn says the euro zone economy is likely to grow faster than expected this year. Announcing the European Commission’s twice-yearly interim economic...
View Articleregierungskrankenhaus berlin buch
Esta semana se ha conocido que los ayuntamientos gobernados por el Partido Popular en la Costa del Sol han presentado una querella contra el consejero delegado de la empresa publica de agua de la...
View ArticlePhilippine army promises reform after ‘torture’ video
At least four Palestinians have been killed in Gaza after Israel tanks shelled a house. Local doctors say three of the dead were aged 12, 16 and 17. Three other people were reported injured. The...
View Articlebrothunfreette
286027048 834440659 391356285 445709258 195486155 662977979 428144534 292732235 831183452 423494489 129320031 690887136 732076829 342262119 270796031 58604858 146133129 185775070 256682590 760684858...
View ArticleFrance, Belgium, Luxembourg agree Dexia rescue
By Philip Blenkinsop and Robert-Jan Bartunek BRUSSELS (Reuters) - France, Belgium and Luxembourg agreed a rescue plan for Dexia SA on Sunday ahead of a planned board meeting expected to decide on a...
View ArticleDeaths reported in Yemen clashes
In Syria a third day of protests has been marred by violence. The police have opened fire on demonstrators using tear gas and live rounds. Reports say that one person is dead and around 100 others have...
View ArticleDeutsche Telekom dials up a deal for T-Mobile
Friday prayers turned into Friday protests in several countries in the Middle East and North Africa. In Yemen, tens of thousands of demonstrators once more took to the streets to press calls for the...
View ArticleDiscovery embarks on historic final flight
Euronews travelled to ITB Berlin, the world??™s leading travel trade show, to speak to representatives from countries worldwide and get a first-hand look at the latest trends in the industry. 3045...
View ArticlePerfectly Speaking, The Dynamics of Speech Therapy
Many people think of speech therapists as a profession that only specializes in teaching the accurate production of speech sounds in words, phrases, sentences, and conversations. While articulation...
View ArticleBribes probe sears EU Parliament
UN chief Ban ki-moon has urged swift action to deal with the crisis engulfing Libya. The United Nations Secretary-General’s call came as the global body’s 15 member Security Council met in New York to...
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