NATO has failed to agree on a plan for its possible involvement in enforcing the UN no-fly zone over Libya. Alliance member Turkey, which is against the military intervention, blocked a proposal. The Arab League has also expressed reservations over the extent of military action being taken by France, Britain and the US. As other countries began sending their military hardware to the region, Arab countries claimed they only backed the UN’s no-fly zone in order to protect civilians, not to knock out Gaddafi’s forces. US Defence Secretary Robert Gates believes there is a way to get the League on board. “I think there is a sensitivity on the part of the Arab League to being seen to be operating under a NATO umbrella, and so the question is if there is a way we can work out of NATO’s command and control machinery without it being a NATO mission.” France also has its reservations. As it sent its Navy’s flagship aircraft carrier The Charles de Gaulle to the Mediterranean, the government warned about treading too heavily on Arab feelings. After NATO involvement in other theatres of war such as Afghanistan, the alliance’s reputation has been tarnished in the Arab world. TO READ – Libya: a timeline of international diplomacy
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Carrefour has issued its fourth profit warning in as many months as cash-strapped shoppers spend less. Europe’s biggest retailer said it expects operating profit this year to fall by up to 20 percent; previously it had predicted a 15 percent decline. The news increases doubts about the French group’s turnaround plan. It is battling to reverse years of underperformance in its main western European markets. The latest warning comes after several strategy U-turns and is a fresh blow to the credibility of chief executive Lars Olofsson. He has so far has retained the backing of the group’s powerful top shareholder Blue Capital — an alliance between French luxury tycoon Bernard Arnault and US investor Colony Capital. A Blue capital spokesman would not comment on recent speculation that Olofsson may be running out of time. A source close to the matter said the alliance understood the turnaround, notably in France, could not succeed overnight. In a call with analysts, new finance chief Pierre-Jean Sivignon blamed the warning mainly on worsening trading conditions in Europe, although he also spoke about a drop in discretionary spending in China. European retailers are struggling in their home markets with shoppers suffering from higher prices, subdued wage growth and government austerity measures. On Wednesday, smaller French retailer Casino also reported slower growth in France but offset that with a strong performance in emerging markets. Carrefour is suffering more than most because it makes the bulk of its sales in hypermarkets, which are losing out to specialist stores in mature western European markets. It has also admitted mistakes, such as raising prices in France before rivals such as E Leclerc and Intermarche. In August it announced a new drive to cut prices.
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The night sky over the Mediterranean coast of Libya lit up on Saturday night as operation Odyssey Dawn got into gear. 110 cruise missiles were fired as part of the military response from the USA, Britain and other European nations. TO READ – Libya: a timeline of international diplomacy Air strikes also took place, with the French firing the first missiles around Benghazi in the east. In Tripoli some people took to the streets amidst heavy anti-aircraft fire A Pentagon military spokesman gave details of the intentions of the exercise and the intended targets. He said the initial aim was firstly to impair Gaddafi’s military capability in the east, particularly around Benghazi, with the French playing the major role. U.S and British missiles had been aimed at destroying Libya’s air capability, by targeting around 20 radar and anti-aircraft sites. Meanwhile British fighter jets had targeted strategic sites around the capital Tripoli. The attacks are aimed at enforcing the UN Security Council’s no-fly zone mandate, and are the most significant international military effort since the invasion of Iraq. US President Obama said the use of force had not been his first choice, and again said he will not send ground forces. Colonel Gaddafi said the strikes are unjustified, calling the action “colonial aggression”.
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Fighting in Libya is forcing more and more people to flee, with refugee agencies now talking about a humanitarian crisis. Read our news file It is estimated up to 75,000 people have fled for neighbouring Tunisia. Most of them are Egyptian migrants who had been working in Libya. They are angry at their government for what they call its slow response in evacuating them. They say after the revolution in their country they became the target of attacks in Libya, accused of helping to inspire the Libyan demonstrators. The Tunisian authorities have been praised for their response, described as impressive by the European Commission. But the authorities are struggling with the sudden flow of refugees, and there are calls for more foreign help. Ouederni Rachid from the Tunisian National Guard told euronews: “The conditions for people here are very hard, in terms of shelter and food. I’m calling on the international community to send boats and planes to evacuate the people here and take them home, in better conditions.” Some refugees, exhausted by the strain amid the panic to get over the border, are being provided with medical treatment. Tunisian doctor Abdel Jalil told euronews: “The number of refugees is growing all the time. We don’t have exact figures but there are thousands arriving. We’re trying to organise medical help for the sick.” In order to try to control the flow, passports are taken at the border crossing and handed back on the other side. Some have been there for several days waiting for transport back to Egypt. Of those lucky enough to make it to the Zarzis port in Tunis, many are still waiting for a ship to take them home. Some men have been sleeping at the port buidling for nearly a week. Early on Tuesday morning a ship finally arrived, taking 750 workers back to Egypt. Three more are expected on Wednesday.
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Human Rights Watch has called on those countries with influence in Libya to unify in a call for an end to the unlawful killing of protesters. The US based group, which is calculating the numbers of dead and injured from sources in the country’s hospitals, fears the number of victims is set to increase dramatically. Reed Brody from Human Rights Watch said: ‘‘We would like to see friends of Libya, the African Union, the European Union, make clear that this violence against unarmed protesters has to stop, that these are crimes that are being committed and that those who commit them could be brought to justice. We would like to see a total cut off of military and security aid to Libya and demand that Libya restore the Internet and allow journalists and human rights group in to see what is really happening.’‘ Libyan state TV continues to broadcast pro-Gaddafi supporters kissing images of the embattled leader. The wider picture suggests huge swathes of the country are in chaos and his regime is unravelling.
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Armando Guebuza has been the President of the Republic of Mozambique since he won the elections in 2004 with 68% of the vote. He spoke to Euronews about the challenges facing Africa: the Ivory Coast crisis, the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, and the struggle to stamp out corruption and establish transparency within governments. Maria Barradas, euronews journalist: “More than ever, the world is watching Africa. You are president of a member state of the African Union. How does that organisation envisage a solution for the Ivory Coast crisis? Is there a strategy?” Armando Guebuza: “As you can guess, there is a strategy. At the last summit at Addis Ababa, we set up a council which, alongside the Ivorian people, is searching for solutions to this situation. On this council there are heads of state and we believe that together they will find a way out of this difficult situation in the Ivory Coast.” Maria Barradas: “But there is no consensus. Some countries, in particular Angola and South Africa are accused of supporting Laurent Gbagbo and therefore adding to the tension…” Armando Guebuza: “It’s normal that there are differences in a situation like this which is why we’re giving it our special attention and why we wanted to have some of these countries on the council to enter mediation to solve the conflict. Our main aim as the African Union is to ensure that in the end, the new administration will reflect the results of the elections which were held in this country.” Maria Barradas: “And how long do you think it will take to find a solution to this conflict?” Armando Guebuza: “We all want to see a solution as soon as possible, but with these types of things there are no calendars. It’s a search for consensus in a situation where there are very marked differences between the two sides.” Maria Barradas: “How do you see the political upheavals taking place in North Africa? Do you fear a domino effect? Do you fear these movements spreading to other parts of Africa? Armando Guebuza: “We think the regimes in this region must do all they can to listen to and respect the demands of their people. We are still seeing situations of confrontation, so it still isn’t clear what outcome might be accepted by all sides in these conflicts, but we defend people’s right to have their demands respected. Right now, we can’t tell how much this might affect sub-Saharan Africa, but the important thing is that it serves as a warning for all of us. A warning that we have to take the needs of our people into account, and we have to intensify dialogue with the people.” Maria Barradas: “Mozambique is already feeling the effects of this movement. In periods of crisis like this, prices of basics, especially basic foodstuffs rise very fast. How is your country dealing with rising food prices?” Armando Guebuza: “As you can imagine, during all crises, rising oil prices is a constant threat to our country. But as regards foodstuffs, we take the example of wheat and other cereals… The answer is to increase productivity and we are preparing to do that. Production will increase this year. Even if production doesn’t reach the levels we need it to straight away, it will be a way to encourage the acceleration of increasing foodstuffs production.” Maria Barradas: “Mozambique and the EU are currently negotiating a new agreement on fishing. One of the biggest challenges facing your country is illegal fishing. What steps are you taking to combat this? With what resources?” Armando Guebuza: “We are collaborating very closely with South Africa and Tanzania, but we are also looking for European support, especially from Spain. We hope they can give us the technical means and training so that our navy are better prepared to intervene.” Maria Barradas: “What are the priorities in combating corruption and establishing transparency in the government? Armando Guebuza: “I think that’s a vital question. Here in Mozambique we still use old mechanisms within civil society and the state to track financial spending – how much we receive and how we spend our people’s money.”
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A peace plan for Libya, proposed by Venezuela’s President Chavez and reportedly accepted by Muammar Gaddafi, is being considered by the Arab League. The idea, outlined by Chavez earlier this week, involves sending representatives from several countries to Libya to help negotiate an end to the fighting. Chavez spoke personally to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi on Tuesday to outline his proposals. “Hopefully the politics of weapons will not be imposed on the people of Libya,” he told an audience in Venezuela. “I hope we can create a commission that goes to Libya to talk with the government and the opposition leaders, who are not known publicly.” Historically, the Venezuelan president and Colonel Gaddafi have been on cordial terms. Chavez visited Libya just five months ago. The Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, told the Reuters news agency that he has been informed of the Chavez plan, but that it is still under consideration. Venezuelan officials have said that Gaddafi has accepted Chavez’s proposal.
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Reports from Libya suggest forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi are stepping up counter-attacks in the east to try to take back control of several towns. Witnesses say the rebel-held town of Ajdabiyah came under air attacks on Wednesday and that pro-Gaddafi forces are advancing on the town which is 470 miles east of the capital, Tripoli. Read our news file Since the start of the uprising most of eastern Libya has been controlled by rebel anti-government forces, but although reports are difficult to verify, it is claimed Gaddafi’s forces are launching counter- attacks. There are reports that rebels have now taken back the eastern Libyan town of Brega after it was said to have fallen to Gaddafi’s forces. But a government spokesman denied any counter attack had been made. However Libyan state television has reported that Gaddafi’s forces have taken control of Brega’s air and sea ports. Brega is strategically important because of its large oil refinery. On Wednesday a spokesman for the opposition coalition told the news agency Reuters that foreign intervention might be needed to oust Gaddafi. However, foreign-led military action seems unlikely for now.
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With more than one week having passed since Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami the country’s carmakers and technology firms have been struggling to resume production. In addition, a lack of parts from their factories is causing concerns about the supply chain to plants worldwide. Renault, General Motors and Samsung have already had to reduce production due to potential parts shortages. Even those companies not been directly effected by the disaster are having trouble with logistics and shipping. Apple’s iPad tablet computer is assembled in China, but uses memory chips, batteries and screens that are made in Japan by hard-hit firms like Toshiba. Meanwhile there was a much-needed boost to Japan’s battered businesses from billionaire investor Warren Buffett. Speaking during a visit to a South Korean factory run by a company that is owned by one of his funds, Buffet said he would not be selling Japanese shares right now. He told reporters: “Frequently something out of the blue like this, an extraordinary event, really creates a buying opportunity. I’ve seen that happen in the United States, I’ve seen that happen around the world, and I don’t think Japan will be an exception.” He added: “It will take some time to rebuild. But it will not change the economic future of Japan.”
Anti-regime protesters marched through the Yemeni capital of Sanaa for an eighth straight day on Friday as demonstrations across the country turned violent, leaving at least six dead.? The demonstrators, who want President Ali Abdullah Saleh to quit, fought with government supporters.? Two protesters were killed in the southern city of Taez in a hand grenade attack, while police shot four others dead in Aden as they tried to disperse the crowd.? A total of 27 people were injured in the clashes across Yemen on Friday, dubbed a ‘day of rage’ by the anti-Saleh movement.? Saleh has ruled Yemen for? 32 years but has promised to stand down at the end of his current seven-year term in 2013.? Under his leadership, the country has been a close ally of the United States in its fight against al-Qaeda in the region.
Under-pressure Yemeni president offers 2011 poll
Oil prices continue to soar – going above $110 a barrel on Wednesday – as a quarter of Libya’s crude output has been shut down and energy companies warn of further production cuts. But Libya exports just two percent of the world’s oil needs and Fadel Gheit, an oil analyst at Oppenheimer & Co, believes the price spike is built on speculation and fear: “The market is reacting pretty dramatically because of the fear of the unknown. We don’t know if the situation in Libya is going to spread. If Libyan oil exports will be impacted and by how much.” Saudi Arabia, which supplies around 10 percent of the world’s oil and holds most of the world’s spare capacity, quickly said it would pump more if needed. Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi told reporters: “All these price disorders aren’t caused by a shortage in supply. But OPEC and Saudi Arabia are fully prepared to meet any future supply shortage. We’ve done this in the past, we’ve succeeded in supplying the market, and getting the market back to stability.” However some think that much of the surge in crude prices is not due to events in the Middle East and North Africa, but because oil has been at an unrealistically low level for a while. Investment strategist Stephen Wood of Russell Investments explained: “China’s growing too hot, Brazil’s growing too hot, North America’s doing OK. Germany logged their best economic performance in 20 year. So there’s a global growth story and global growth requires oil. So not all of it is Mideast tension.” Meanwhile, the International Energy Agency has warned that oil prices above $100 a barrel for the rest of the year could drag the global economy back into a repeat of the 2008 economic crisis.
Mexico’s Calderon enters diplomatic spat with France
Women should occupy at least a quarter of jobs on the boards of the UK’s top companies within four years, suggests a report issued by the government. But Lord Davies of Abersoch, a former trade minister who led the review, stopped short of introducing quotas to force companies to hire more female executives. Women make up 46 percent of the active population in the UK but only 12.5 percent of positions on the boards of FTSE 100 companies. Eighteen FTSE 100 companies and almost half of FTSE 250 companies have no female directors. Yet 60 percent of university graduates are women. In his report Davies said that “radical change is needed in the mindset of the business community” with regards to gender equality, adding: “This is not just about aiming for a specific figure and is not just about promoting equal opportunities but it is about improving business performance. There is growing evidence to show that diverse boards are better boards, delivering financial out-performance and stock market growth.” Davies suggests that within six months, companies should set their own targets for boosting female board representation and then either achieve them or explain why they failed to. Those targets should be set for 2013 and 2015, he added. The report goes on to say that if these voluntary targets were unsuccessful, then quotas should be considered as an alternative. Norway agreed to introduce a 40 percent quota of female directors of listed companies in 2003. Since then the rate of female representation on boards has shot up from 6.8 percent to around the 40 percent required by the quota. France and Spain have launched similar initiatives. Supporters of the quota system say voluntary targets are ineffective and often go ignored. But many in the business sector are keen to avoid government-imposed quotas, arguing that they would be too inflexible and would not reflect the different circumstances of individual companies. The report also encourages investors to take into consideration gender equality when re-appointing board members and urges head-hunting firms to draw up a voluntary code of practice to address gender diversity.
Pick of the Clicks: words and music feed the revolution
Dozens of Iranian opposition supporters were arrested in Tehran after protesting in support of the recent uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. Thousands of people marched to the city’s Azadi Square where they clashed with security forces. Officers fired tear gas to try and disperse the crowds. One person was killed and several were wounded, according to the official Fars news agency. Iranian state television only ran footage of a pro-government demonstration. It accused opponents of working for the West. Demonstrators from the two camps clashed later on Monday as tensions ran high. The march is the first time the Iranian opposition has taken to the streets since December 2009. Khamenei described the revolts in Egypt and Tunisia as an “Islamic awakening” but his regime has always cracked down on such dissent at home. British Foreign Secretary William Hague urged Iran to allow people the right to demonstrate. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hailed the “courage” and “aspirations” of the protesters. Here is a selection of amateur footage: In Tehran. People are chanting: “I will kill those who kill my brother”, they usually chant this when people are shot. Tear gas is shot. At the end, people are chanting “down with dictator”. More amateur footage