"Aiti, ala kayta vaarin tata pyhaa sanaa. Sinun rakkautesi!
Not a syllable, not a look betrayed this love. The exclamation with which he had left her at the Temple of Venus was the most important, the only important speech that had escaped him. She could not suspect what the youth had suffered before his love had become not extinguished, but self-denying. And still less in what new feeling he had found manly strength enough for such renunciation.
[pg 348]
Thick clouds lay low over the dark surface of the Adrea, whose shores and waters were melted together in undistinguishable gloom; only now and then a flash of distant lightning lit up the silent city of Ravenna. At unequal intervals the wind swept through the ilexes and pines on the range of hills which rise at some distance to the west of the town, and which were once crowned by a temple of Neptune. At that time already half ruined, it has now almost completely disappeared, leaving only the most scanty traces.
"Monelta, monelta on vieras loisto haikaissyt silmat: monet ovat pukeutuneet kreikkalaiseen pukuun ja ajattelevat roomalaisten tavoin. He hapeavat, etta heita kutsutaan barbaareiksi. He tahtovat unohtaa ja saada muita unohtamaan, etta he ovat gootteja — voi niita hulluja.
"Eiko sinulla ole mitaan Roomasta kerrottavana? Millainen on mieliala kviritien kesken? Mita siella ajatellaan gooteista?"