Thousands of pro-government demonstrators have been shown on Iranian State Television following Monday’s clashes which left two people dead. In a hard-hitting interview, Iran’s President Mahmoud...
View ArticleDay of mourning in Estonia for child fire victims
A film by the former Czech president, Vaclav Havel, has premiered in Prague. “Leaving” is based on his own stage play, first published in 2007. 396 179 207 39 410 326 347 53 109 508 263 522 481 47 292...
View ArticleDay of mourning in Estonia for child fire victims
Jitters over Japanese produce are being felt at home and abroad amid fears of radioactivity. Leafy green vegetables, milk, egg and meat products are the biggest concern....
View ArticleAll Blacks coach says same again for final, please
US negotiator Warren Christopher has died at his home in Los Angeles of cancer, at the age of 85. The former US Secretary of State is credited, amongst other achievements, with helping bring peace to...
View Article“Correct!” Computerised quiz contestant takes on humans
A 6.3 magnitude earthquake killed at least 65 people in New Zealand’s second-biggest city of Christchurch on Tuesday. REUTERS/Simon Baker 426 237 483 182 287 63 42 231 378 259 371 406 385 105 21 413...
View ArticleSafer Internet Day 2011
Once again British military forces have been in action in the bid to enforce the no-fly zone over Libya. One of its submarines is said to have fired Tomahawk missiles at targets, although this is as...
View ArticleAll systems go for Ariane’s 200th mission
Japan’s economy has suffered a series of aftershocks since the massive earthquake and tsunami struck the country. The Nikkei, however, clawed back some recent losses on Tuesday buoyed by signs that the...
View ArticleIreland awaits result of historic poll
New Zealanders on Tuesday remembered their fellow countrymen who lost their lives in last week’s deadly earthquake. At 12:51 pm, the exact time the tremor struck Christchurch seven days ago, the...
View ArticleTevez to face disciplinary hearing
Although there has been little in the way of protest, the situation in neighbouring countries like Bahrain and Yemen is a growing cause for concern. Saudi Arabia, as a staunch ally of the US, could...
View ArticleThousands in Iran demand opposition leaders execution
A Thai man demonstrates how to catch a cobra with bare hands during a jungle survival exercise with the Thai Navy as part of the “Cobra Gold 2011” joint military exercise, at a military base in Chon...
View ArticleBus and coach passenger rights
The night sky over the Mediterranean coast of Libya lit up on Saturday night as operation Odyssey Dawn got into gear. 110 cruise missiles were fired as part of the military response from the USA,...
View ArticleGermans commemorate Dresden dead
At least two people are reported dead and around 20 have been injured in Yemen as protests spread across the country. In the capital Sanaa security forces used tear gas to disperse protesters demanding...
View ArticleRussia starts privatisation push with VTB
The people of Benghazi in the east of Libya may be free but they know there is still some way to go before the whole country is rid of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s rule. With reports that forces loyal to...
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View Articlestreik hotline
Los vecinos de Marbella tienen motivos para creer que si esto hubiese sucedido en su ciudad el escandalo seria mayusculo y los tertulianos que de todo opinan llevarian dias dictando catedra televisiva...
View ArticleItaly calls for EU to share migrant burden
At least 20 people are reported killed in Tanzania after a series of explosions at a military munitions dump. Almost 150 people are known to have been injured in the blasts, in the country’s commercial...
View ArticleAntonio se levanta muy temprano para poder entrenar antes de ir a trabajar
Foto: Blas Si quieres vivir 100 años empieza a correr Los posts más leídos en el blog "atletismo y algo más" 9330. Antonio se levanta muy temprano para poder entrenar antes de ir a trabajar 9329. Te...
View ArticleRegional election in Germany
Dr Abolhassan Banisadr was one of the leading lights of the Islamic revolution in Iran and was close to the Ayatollah Khomeini. In 1980, a year after the revolution, he was elected the first president...
View ArticleYoung Moroccan artist on show in Casablanca
The first wave of international air strikes on Saturday disabled Libya’s air defences, allowing western jets to patrol. Gaddafi’s advance on rebel-held Benghazi was halted. In Benghazi itself, armed...
View Articlegeotrack gps
"Aiti, ala kayta vaarin tata pyhaa sanaa. Sinun rakkautesi! Not a syllable, not a look betrayed this love. The exclamation with which he had left her at the Temple of Venus was the most important, the...
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